Three young parishioners were confirmed by the Archbishop on the afternoon of Sunday 25th February. We wish every blessing on Zoe Hoffmann, George Koshy and Zara Savage as they build on this important step in their faith journey as they…
Uniformed Organisations Service
This Service took place on 18th February. Despite it being the second weekend of mid-term break there was an excellent turnout from the Brownies, Guides, Cubs and Scouts which meet regularly in the Parish Hall. As is usual, there was…
Daffodil Day – Sunday 25th March
There will be a chance to support this very important fundraising event, organised by the Irish Cancer Society. Teas and coffees after Church on Sunday 25th March will be in aid of this very worthwhile cause.
Connect Group
At the time of writing we are looking forward to our next event which is a Lenten Service of Holy Communion followed by Lunch in the Rectory on Thursday 1st March 2018 at 12 noon. Notices have been sent out…
Evergreen Walking Club
Next Meeting: Sunday 11th March 2018 – Little Sugar Loaf The walk starts in the sweetest valley in Ireland between the two sugar loaves! In the shadow of its big brother, the Great Sugar Loaf, the route starts at Kilmacanogue…
Beckett in Foxrock – 24th March
Beckett in Foxrock 2018 – First Love, possibly Beckett’s funniest short story, will be performed by Marcus Lamb on Saturday 24th March. Tickets €25 are selling fast. Booking essential at (search for Beckett in Foxrock 2018). If you prefer…
New members wanted; skill level not important; ability to make tea a high priority. Seriously, we would love to see a new face or two; if interested just arrive along on any Thursday evening @ 8.30ish. No racket necessary.
Line Dancing
Tullow Parish Hall hosted a 2nd night of line dancing, which proved even more successful than last November’s event. This time even the walls of the hall were involved, with each wall receiving its name, – Sean’s Wall, Jim’s Wall,…
Alpha Course
An Alpha course commenced on 19th February in the Rectory. It will run on Monday evenings from 8:00 – 9:30pm. Sessions so far have covered topics such as ‘is there more to life than this?’ and ‘who is Jesus?’. Future…
Church Services Diary – December 2017
DAY DATE TIME SERVICE READINGS READERS FLOWERS / COFFEE Sunday 1st. Sunday in Advent 3rd 8:30am 10:30am Holy Communion Parish Communion 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 / Mark 13: 24-37 Mary Fletcher Sandra Ruttle/Jill Malcolm & Jill Forsyth Wednesday 5th. 10:15am Matins…