Deli & Charity Christmas Card Sale – thanks for the help and the funding!

These sales took place after the main Church Service on Sunday 23rd November. Although not as busy as previous years, there was still a buzz as people made their purchases. In addition there was the sale of raffle tickets for an iced Christmas cake which attracted a good deal of attention. The Charity Christmas Card sale made €430 towards the Irish Cancer Society, the R.N.L.I.and Laura Lynn Foundation. The Deli sale made just over €200 and the raffle (the draw taking place on 30th November) made €174.50. Many thanks to all

who worked so hard to make this event a success. A special thank you to June Hayes, Jill Malcolm, Jennifer Sowman, Patricia Stewart, Vera Tanner, Margaret Breadon and Marie Wallace. In addition, thank you to Rev. Cecily West for baking and to Jane Cremin for icing the Christmas cake.