Autumn Fair 20th September – updates & reminders

As I’m sure you all know by now our Autumn Fair will be held on Saturday 20th September this year, from 11am – 3pm in the Church grounds and hall, with an exhibition celebrating our 150 years in our Church. The day will be rounded off with a ‘winding down’ meal that evening for all in our parish hall. The Steering Committee are hoping that it will be a really enjoyable, fun filled day for all concerned and most of all be financially beneficial to our Parish finances. The Stall holders are already planning and hording! so please over the next few months search at home or ask friends to collect together some of the following;

 Books for Paddy Bowes 2894006

Bottles (full) for Elaine Arrowsmith 2894566

Household items for Michael O’Kane 2894192

Plants for Brigid FitzSimon 2350307

Children’s items for Jane Cremin 2893156

Jewellery or scarves for Sandra Ruttle 2897903

Brand New items for Joan Beck 2897105

Art or Cards for Rosie Johnson 2888673

 Also a big ‘thank you’ to those who have already searched and found some great photos for the exhibition, I would appreciate any photos to be in to me by the beginning of June.

Thanking you, Barbara Cooper 2853475