People sometimes wonder about the role of the Select Vestry so at the recent meeting it was decided that extracts from Vestry meeting minutes will be published in the parish newsletter in future. Extracts from Minutes of Meeting 2nd May:…
Parish Newsletter – Hear Ye! Hear Ye! (update)
Jane Bowes will be gathering information for the newsletter. Please send information for the July/August newsletter to before 23rd June. A reminder to take photographs of any event you are organising as they will feature in a photo exhibition…
Connect Group – Tinakilly House, Tuesday 3rd July
The summer outing will be to Tinakilly House in Wicklow on Tuesday 3rd July. Jennifer Sowman is organising it so please contact her on 086 3154118.
Tullow Friends – A New Russborough Experience Thursday 7th June
Russborough House, a Palladian Mansion overlooking the Blessington Lakes, offers a fascinating insight into the history, lives and stories of the owners from the 18th century to the present day. Cost €28 includes private coach, tea/coffee with scones on arrival…
Aoife’s Journey Coffee Morning – Saturday 26th May
The Steadfast Brass band, good coffee, fab cakes, a great cause and even the sun obliged to ensure that the coffee morning, which morphed into a garden party, was a huge success. A very good turnout of parishioners and non-parishioners…
Evergreen Walking Club – Glendalough view
The season finished with a change in the planned walk for May. Glendalough, in beautiful summer conditions, was not the place to be on a Bank Holiday weekend with traffic congestion at a peak so we reverted back to the…
Work Party – Saturday 12th May
Many thanks to all those who came out on a beautiful sunny morning and did magnificent work tidying the church grounds and Remembrance Garden. The fence was finished, valleys and gutters cleared on the church roof, weeds banished, trees clipped,…
Line Dancing – Friday 18th May
Experienced dancers and complete beginners, young and old, had great fun trying out their grapevine steps at the third line dancing session. We already have a list of people looking forward to the next session in autumn. Yee Haw!
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The Tullow Data Protection Policy has been updated and came into effect on 25th May in line with GDPR regulations. As someone previously listed on the Parish List, we’ll contact you from time to time with relevant communications, on the…
Badminton – season’s end
The badminton season finished a litte earlier than usual on 24th May with the usual hard fought competition; 14 able bodied men and women, split into two teams – the ‘girls’ in pink versus the ‘boys’ in blue! With a…