Day Date Time Service Readings Readers Flowers Coffee Sunday 5th after Trinity 1st. JULY 8:30am 10:30am Holy Communion Parish Communion 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5: 21-43 Torren Gale Sandra Ruttle Barbara & David Cooper Sunday 6th after Trinity 8th. 8:30am…
The Rector Writes – course completion and thanks
As I write this article, I thankfully have come to the end of my 12-week Clinical Pastoral Education (C.P.E.) course in St. Vincent’s Hospital. I have to admit that it was a rigorous process which took more out of me…
From the Registers
HOLY MATRIMONY: 9th June 2018 – Louise Priestman and Peter Henihan We pray that God will watch over the family and friends of those who start their lives together ad we wish them every happiness in their future. FUNERAL:…
Parish Gift Day
May I sincerely thank the parishioners who have so generously contributed to the current Gift Day? A total of €7,500 has been received to date (20th June). As you are aware, the Gift Day forms an important part of our…
Sunday Morning Services
In response to feedback from the current parish consultation process, the Rector has changed the format of the 10:30am service on the second Sunday of each month. That is now Service of the Word which is a shortened version of…
Parish Consultation Process – we want your opinions
Over the last few months as part of the Tullow Sustainability Group activities, many parishioners have been asked about their thoughts on the future of the parish. As a result of these discussions, changes are already taking place. We are…
Extract from Select Vestry Meeting Minutes 12th June 2018
CONTAINER: A 20ft storage container is now in place beside the Rectory. Thanks to the Wojnar family for arranging to have the container painted. It will mainly be used for short-term storage of items for the Christmas Fair. HEATING AND…
Tullow Indoor Bowling Club
Our AGM was held on 10th April and the following elections were held: Captain: Jonathan Morton; Hon. Sec.: Joan Darling; Hon. Treasurer: Meta Morton; Auditor: Helen Furlong Committee: Hazel Alexander, Shirley Nicholson, Dorothy Trueman Hilary Cran was thanked for her…
Tullow Friends Russborough House Outing 7th June
28 members and friends had a most enjoyable outing to Russborough House. Tea and scones were waiting for us and were followed by an hour and a half tour of the house with our knowledgeable and entertaining guide, Ann. After…
Outreach Programme
When Our Lord spoke about loving one another, surely that is what we are endeavouring to do in our Outreach Program – showing love to those less fortunate than ourselves and spreading our love. Your continued support for Bray Women’s…