Parish Facilitator

Following our Easter General Vestry held last April, Patricia Stewart stepped down as Rector’s Churchwarden after four years of dedicated service and was replaced by Mandy Swanwick. Throughout her tenure Patricia carried out her duties with careful attention to detail and great enthusiasm and for this, both parishioners and I are very grateful. However, with my encouragement, over the past couple of years, Patricia expanded her duties to include that of a Parish Facilitator. Amongst other things, this role maintains contact with parishioners who may be ill or in need of support, and ensuring usher cover for special

Services such as funerals. This has proven invaluable to me when General Synod, diocesan/rural deanery duties, other duties or annual leave have taken me away from the parish. I am very grateful to Patricia that she is willing to continue in this role and I wish to reassure everyone that all contacts with Patricia are confidential and that it is not intended as a substitute for my own input as Rector but to enhance it.