Uniformed Organisations Service. We plan to hold a Uniformed Organisations Service on Sunday February 10th at 10:30am. As always, this Service will have an ecumenical flavour as we welcome members of our Scouting and Guiding groups together with their leaders, their families and friends.
Sunday Club & Crèche (0 – 10 year olds) has now resumed after the Christmas break. There will be two Sunday Club sessions in the month of February. Dates as follows: Sunday 3rd and 24th February.
Team Tullow had an Ice Skating outing to Dundrum on Sunday, 6th January. A group of fifteen enthusiastic members plus some leaders safely participated in this “high octane” enjoyable event. However, most of the leaders safely practiced a “safety first” motto and undertook the essential and tiring “supervisory spectator” role. The après skating consisted of a visit to a local child-friendly eatery! Thank you to Elaine Arrowsmith for organising this popular outing. Team Tullow will have its first badminton meeting of the term on Thursday 21st February at 7:30pm in the Church Hall. This meeting will be the first of three sessions of coaching and will see the return of Des, our ever-friendly and popular coach.