Sunday Club & Team Tullow updates with plans & future dates…

Following a recent meeting of both Sunday Club and Team Tullow Leaders, a number of personnel changes have been announced. Jennifer Garvey has decided to step down as the coordinator of the Sunday Club for the moment, but will continue to be involved as a leader whilst Michael Wann is stepping down as a leader due to work commitments. On behalf of both children and parents, we would like to say a big “Thank you” to both Jennifer and Michael for all the hard work and commitment they put into the Sunday Club over the years. The Sunday Club co-ordination role has now been taken over by Vera Tanner and we welcome Jacob Koshy as a new leader.  On a practical level, the Sunday Club will be working on crafts for the back window of the Church for the Harvest Thanksgiving Service.

Meanwhile Team Tullow has announced their autumn schedule which includes the following definite dates: 27th September, 11th October, 25th October, 8th November and 22nd November. All these dates are Thursday evenings and the group will meet at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall.