A group of over 50 including parishioners, friends and children turned out for our parish barbeque held on Saturday 9th June. We were extremely fortunate with the weather as it proved to be a most beautiful evening and such a contrast to the preceding days which rained non-stop!
It was marvellous to be able to dine al-fresco in the traditional style whilst some of the younger ones played football on the front lawn or tried their hand at Swingball!
There was a range of barbequed treats and desserts on offer and our thanks to Torren Gale and our Sexton, Bernard, who helped with the set-up; to Alan Rhodes and Graham Blair for manning “the door”; to Ashlyn Casey, Margaret Breadon and Vera Tanner who helped prepare and serve the food and to those who helped with the clean-up and to those who contributed salads and desserts on the evening.
It proved to be a great social occasion and just in excess of €250 was raised towards parish funds.