Concert – Seafield Singers – 8:00pm Tullow Church
Tullow Church Brighton Road, Foxrock., Dublin 18And for your delectable delight - the incomparable, incantata, impossibly brilliant - Seafield Singers. Once again, our ears will be filled with the melodic music from the voices of the Seafield Singers. On the last occasion the Singers graced our Church,…
7:00pm – “SUNDOWN” Service
Tullow Parish Hall Brighton Road, CarrickminesAn informal evening service in the parish hall for all the family. Join us for a techno-based service of worship for today's busy world. Bits and bites follow the service - come and enjoy yourself!
8:00pm – Select Vestry
Parish Hall Brighton Road, Dublin 1815:45 to 16:15 – Carol singing in Foxrock
Foxrock Village Foxrock, Dublin 18Tullow Parish will be joining with others Carol singing at the Foxrock Christmas event on Sunday 6th December from 15:45 to 16:15. We're hoping that people in their thousands........oh all right then, in their hundreds........even 10's would be great(!)......will come…
10:30am – Family Carol Service
Tullow Church Brighton Road, Foxrock., Dublin 18Our annual Family Carol Service takes place at the 10:30am service on Sunday, December 13th. We look forward to as many parishioners, friends, visitors and more joining us on the day. Tea and coffee with fattening bites (!) served in…
7:00pm – Carols by Candlelight
Tullow Church Brighton Road, CarrickminesOur traditional annual candlelit Carol Service takes place on Sunday, December 20th at 7:00pm. This service draws people from far and near to hear the story of the Nativity through word and song. The service is followed by a seasonal…
10:15am – Carols around the Crib
Tullow Church Brighton Road, CarrickminesOur annual 'Carols around the Crib' will be held on Christmas Eve, Thursday December 24th at 10:15am. As always, there will be a few surprises and the 'stars of the show' will be the children who are determined that tradition…
9:00pm – First Holy Communion for Christmas Day
Tullow Church Brighton Road, Foxrock., Dublin 18A Holy Communion service for Christmas Day is held at 9:00pm on Thursday, December 24th. At the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord, this service is the bedrock of our faith and we look forward to welcoming as many…
8:30am – Holy Communion
Tullow Church Brighton Road, Foxrock., Dublin 18A traditional rite service of the Eucharist on the day of the Nativity of Our Lord
10:30am – Family Service and Holy Communion for Christmas Day
As has become the custom on Christmas Day, our 10:30am service is most definitely family oriented with stories of the birth of Jesus, songs and hymns and even something of a pantomime! Our church welcomes 100's of family and friends…