Annual General Vestry – an important date…..

Sunday 22nd. April sees our Easter or Annual General Vestry taking place in the Parish Hall after 10:30am Morning Service

This is an important date in our Parish calendar.

Similar to a company’s Annual General Meeting, all Parishioners are encouraged to attend the meeting.

You may recall the request earlier this year for all Parishioners to register their names as members of Tullow Parish (registered vestry members) – this was the precursor that permits only registered vestry members to vote at the meeting.

It is, there fore, very important that everyone comes along to hear how our Parish has progressed in the past year and offer suggestions on how we can further develop and grow our Parish into the future and make their voice heard. If you aren’t a registered vestry member, I’m sure you will lobby those who are and make your voice heard through them.

So, what ideas have you got ? Let’s hear them!!

Please make a special effort to be present – this is an important Parish meeting in the life of our Tullow family.