The Rector Writes – Register of Vestry members – sign up before the January deadline!

The revision of the Register of Vestry members takes place each year – normally during the month of January – and is announced by the placement of a no6ce on the Church door at least two Sundays before a mee6ng of the Select Vestry at which it is ra6fied. As there would appear to be some misunderstanding as to what being a registered Vestry member actually entails
please note the following:

Being a registered Vestry member DOES NOT MEAN that you will be expected to do more work, contribute more in 6me or money or be called on to undertake more du6es than being an unregistered member of the parish.

However, becoming a registered Vestry member DOES MEAN that you will be eligible to exercise your democra6c right by contribu6ng to any debate and by vo6ng at our annual Easter General Vestry. It also en6tles you to be nominated/elected to posi6ons such as Church or Glebe warden, Select Vestry and/or posi6ons as parish representa6ve at diocesan level, BUT ONLY IF YOU WISH TO DO SO.

In light this, you are strongly urged to become registered Vestry members of YOUR parish. Please note that forms are now available for signing at the back of the Church ahead of the January 2018 deadline.