This is the time of year when we all start looking at the various painting jobs, garden tidy-ups and general spring cleaning, required in our own homes and gardens. It is the same story in the parish.
The Glebe Wardens have identified a wide range of jobs which they believe can readily be taken on by members of the parish. They range from carrying out some weeding under the hedges around the Garden of Remembrance, some general tidying up of the grounds and waste removal to some exterior painting/rust proofing of the steel windows on the church. Rather than employ expensive contractors to do this work, or leave it to one or two people, it has been decided that all parishioners willing to assist are invited to join the Glebe Wardens on “Tidy-up” Day.
So if you are available and willing to take on some of these jobs, please advise either Paddy Bowes (086 258 5194) or Terry Forsyth (087 236 4326) to indicate your plan to turn up on Saturday 16th May at 9am at the Parish Hall. Advance indication of how many are likely to turn up will enable us to have the appropriate number of brushes, tins of paint and garden tools available and jobs pre-assigned.
Tea/coffee will be provided to the workers at circa 11am. Remember to wear your “old clothes”.
Paddy Bowes and Terry Forsyth, The Glebe Wardens.