A very sincere ‘thank you’ to all who work and volunteer so readily and willingly to keep the heart of our parish beating. Many people work quietly behind the scenes whilst others are more visible – yet all fulfil vital ministries!
To give just a flavour, these ministries include all who serve and support Tullow in so many ways – those who ensure our worship and music in church is meaningful and uplifting, members of Committees and Vestry members, co-ordinators and those who help run social and fundraising events, drivers, choir member, flower arrangers, coffee-after-church makers, those who cook and bake for our enjoyment, Sunday Club and Team Tullow leaders, lesson readers, sport and social club leaders and organisers, and this is only mentioning a few!
Each one of us is needed and greatly appreciated at Sunday Service and throughout the year in so many ways, to keep our Parish’s heart beating strongly.