Work Party in church and grounds

On Saturday 27th May, some twenty volunteers rolled up their sleeves and set to work on the church building and grounds. Inside the church, a deep clean was undertaken in the Vestry which saw every conceivable nook and cranny inspected, rubbish removed, dusted, washed and polished – not even a single cobweb escaped attention! In the main body of the Church all window sills and frames were washed and cleaned. Outside saw a hive of activity as a team painted the fence, gutterings were cleaned and new planters by the front door of the Church were put in place. In the Garden of Remembrance, the conifers were trimmed. As work needs energy, the services of kitchen staff to provide teas, coffees and edibles proved invaluable.

Unfortunately, the rain came down during the coffee break and much of the outdoor work had to be suspended – but with much done nonetheless.

Many thanks to all concerned and especially to our glebewardens; Paddy Bowes and Nigel Swanwick, for organising this event.