Badminton – new ways to save money – food and THAT tournament!

As usual over the month the actual badminton was kept to a minimum – soon we’ll only need to rent the kitchen area !
The Annual Dinner went off well – the China Sichuan did us proud. An almost full house of members (18) attended and ate everything put in front of them. No Chinese wine, but most compensated with lots of Sauvignon red and white.
A lot of unruly heckling during the presidents speech, who attempted to welcome our new member, sympathise with Ray over ‘the knee’, thank the treasurer for his work on the finances (the club made a small profit of €10) as well as make a small presentation.
Looking forward to the Xmas Tournament on the last session of 2016 – on Thursday 15th December, after which there will be prize giving and usual tasty refreshments.