Busy Bees a-buzzing in Tullow

A swarm of ladies descended on the church giving it a right going over, lead by Queen bee Mandy who had the invaluable help of Barbara, Jane C, Bridget, Jill, Elaine and Vera. The place is shining like a new pin.
Outside the worker bees were buzzing around. Great work was going on in the Garden of Remembrance; Sue at ground level with David & Terry up in the clouds as usual ! Also up there was John mending his shed roof.
Down at ground level again Susan G and Patricia were clearing the  weeds under the front hedge, while Jane B planted some bluebells kindly donated by Avril. As though pollinating the area Bob popped up all over the place, often with his strimmer in hand.
Ashlyn and Jane B gave the notice board its final coat in quick time and then moved on to power-hosing and organising refreshments respectively, while Ray did some fancy paint work perched on top of the scaffolding.
Meanwhile Ernie attacked the front lawn with the help of a scarifier, ably assisted by Alan (now in Spain recovering). Due to the amount of ‘rubbish’ unearthed by the scarifier extra troops were seconded from their main tasks – Bob, Nigel, Ray, Heather, Ashlyn – who helped rake up the 4 trailers full of dead grass/moss.
Nigel flitted from job to job in his usual productive manner in between trips to the dump. Thank you all !