The Rector Writes – Parish Forum – YOUR CHURCH NEEDS YOU! Harvest Thanksgiving and an appreciation….

Our Parish Forum will be held in Saturday 18th October from 9:30am to 4:30pm in the Church of Ireland College of Education. Of all the events planned for the 150th anniversary of Tullow Church, this will perhaps be the most important as it aims to look boldly and with faith to the future. The support of all parishioners (both young and old alike) is requested as we seek to discern God’s will for the future of our parish. The structure of the day will include times of worship, plenary sessions, smaller groups and social interaction which should appeal to everyone. The day will commence with a light continental breakfast, and then lunch, together with coffee/tea breaks are included in the cover price of €10 per person (with reductions for children and families).
The theme of the Forum is “The High C’s”. Under this image we can visualise the Church as a ship sailing on the high seas – always on the move as it seeks to carry its passengers and cargo to their ultimate destination. On its journey, it has to resist the temptation to drop anchor in and “safe havens” as that does no fulfil the purpose for which the ship was built. Although this inevitably means that as it undertakes its voyage, it encounters storms as well as calm spells, it keeps charting its course in the confidence that God’s hand is ultimately in control and will protect the ship from floundering. The “High C’s” include the topics Children, Community, Christianity and Controversial which should generate plenty of lively and healthy discussion.
October is the traditional month for our Harvest Thanksgiving Service here in Tullow. This year it will be held on Sunday 12th October during the mail mid-morning Service at which the guest preacher will be Ms. Uta Raab. Uta is a Diocesan Lay Reader in these United Dioceses and amongst other commitments is a representative on the Dublin council of churches. She is originally from Germany, but has spent the majority of her adult life in the U.K. and Ireland, both studying and working. I have no doubt that she will have her own unique insights to offer and she can be assured of a typical warm Tullow welcome.
After our Harvest Thanksgiving Service, a “Bring and Share” lunch is planned. This is being organised with the help of two of our younger parishioners who have been selected by their schools to travel overseas to undertake aid and outreach projects. No doubt we will hear more about their charitable projects and their funding requirements over the coming months.
Finally this month, I would like to express the parish’s gratitude to Barbara Cooper and all those who worked so hard to make our Autumn Fair such a splendid occasion. It proved to be a great social event culminating in the post-Fair party and the much needed funds raised was a brilliant result.
With every blessing, John.
Rev. John Tanner, 01- 289 3154 or 086 302 1376