“Souper thanks”, hunting eggs, movie nights and an annual outing – Phew! It’s Tullow Friends

We would like to thank everyone who supported our Soup Lunch on Sunday 2nd March and to let them know that we made the great sum of €920 which I have sent on to the Jack and Jill Foundation (which is our chosen charity for this year). A very sincere “thank you” to everyone (especially our committee) who worked so hard.

 On Sunday 13th April we will be organising an Easter Egg hunt in the Church grounds after morning Service.

 On Friday 2nd May we will have a film night in the home of Les and Cleo Ellis followed by a light supper – all welcome. See the Notice Board in the Church porch for the time.

 The following month will be our annual outing – again we will let you know further details when we have finalised the arrangements.

 Janet Moore, Chairperson