Badminton Club – an army of artists, caterers and triers!

The Badminton club has at last discovered its true forte (other than scoffing teas and biscuits) – painting!

Many thanks to all who helped with the ends of the hall, particularly Derek who supplied the scaffolding to reach the high bits, Jonathan who was in charge of the low bits and the rest of the team who covered the in-between bits. As usual with this crowd, it ended up with food and drink (as they say…..”an army marches on its stomach”). The catering section provided a superb supper afterwards including the mandatory bottle or two of wine to reward the workers.

After the first couple of sessions, there is no doubt the colour change helps us enormously to see the white shuttlecock against the green background. No excuses anymore!

New members always welcome; just drop in any Thursday from 8:30pm onwards (no racquet necessary)