Central Calendar for the Parish

Barbara Cooper, Terry Forsyth and the Rector are the current members of this new Committee formed to ensure we don’t have events overlapping or clashing with each other and to allow for more co-ordinated Parish planning.

The Calendar Co-ordinating Committee are very grateful to Alan and Graham Rhodes for all they have done, and continue doing, in respect of our Tullow Website – www.tullowdublin.org – and especially for keeping the website ‘Events’ section updated. We recommend viewing!

All event organisers are reminded to check with the Rector (who holds the master calendar) re proposed dates for events.

A regular ‘Dates for your diary’ slot will appear in the Newsletter.

All event organisers are asked to write a short report of their event, and submit same to Barbara Cooper for filing for future reference.

Dates for your Diary

November 11th.

Handmade Card sale during coffee after 10:30am Service

November 29th.

Whist Drive at 7:30pm in Parish Hall. Contact Jane Cremin.