Sunday Club / Team Tullow – the end of 2011 and the start of 2012……

On Sunday the 11th December, you would be forgiven if you thought you had walked on to some “set” for the making of a film. Tullow Church at 9:30am was a very busy place with sound technician and stage manager, Killian, checking the sound system and ensuring that the props were in place for the Nativity play. Actors and readers were going through one final rehearsal as “extras” were finding their way around the “set”. Mandy, Paul and Susan were on hand encouraging the group to sing the various songs and carols.

Finally the moment came in the Service to present the play. And present it they did! A big “WELL DONE” to Gregg, Lyn, Emily and Charlotte and a special thank you to Jonathan Morton (wise man playing a cameo role as himself!!) and to the Sunday Club. Also “thank you” to Kate, Emma and Hannah along with Robbie and Alistair for doing the readings and finally, “thank you” Heather, Hugo and Astrid for leading the prayers. The only glitch was when a certain leader moved a prop that effectively blocked the readers and prayer leaders into their pew! Thanks to the Rector for coming to the rescue!

Team Tullow had an ice skating outing to Dun Laoghaire on Sunday, 8th January. A group of fifteen intrepid members plus some leaders safely participated in this “high octane” enjoyable event. However, most of the leaders let “discretion be the better part of valour” and refrained from participation on the grounds of the age-related principal that the older one gets, the higher one’s centre of gravity becomes with an attendant increased difficulty in maintaining a desirable relationship with the perpendicular!! (or something like that!…) Thank you to Elaine Arrowsmith for organising this popular outing. Team Tullow will have its first meeting of the term on Thursday 19th January. The meeting will be a combination of badminton and other activities. Likewise the meetings in February, the dates of which will be advised in due course, will have a similar format.