Christmas 2011 Whist Drive

We welcomed friendly familiar faces from local parishes who came along to join us at our whist drive on December 1st, 2011. Not as many as usual, just 5 tables, but a fun evening was had by all and there were lots of prizes won. Thank you to those parishioners who donated whist and raffle prizes, and especially to Rev. Cecily West who made the wonderful Christmas cake which was the main attraction in the raffle. A big thank you to Janet Moore and June Hayes for organising an excellent supper, and to those ladies of the parish who made sandwiches and cakes. A very special thanks to Bernard, our sexton, whose help, especially in preparing the hall, is invaluable. First prize of a €30 M&S voucher was won by Dorothy Spendlove from Taney and the Christmas cake was won by Amy Hourie also from Taney.

The event raised €245 for parish funds.                                                                                                 Jane Cremin