The Launch of Tullow 150th Year of Celebration – Grace Through Generations


This morning, we have participated in and heard a wonderful collection of favourite hymns.

We know there are people who will be disappointed that their particular favourite may not have featured today and I’d like to say that like the wine at the wedding of Cana, sometimes the best is kept till the last! So take heart and judging by the positive reaction in today’s singing, we will do this again in the not-too-distant future.

Speaking of participation, we have a very special announcement that involves every member of this parish. On 14th April 1864, Tullow church was consecrated in this place. In the intervening 150 years, many changes have taken place – some significant and some not so, but all done with the Grace of God through the generations.

It is with this thought in mind that today; we launch our programme for 2014 – our 150th Anniversary Year – under the theme of “Grace through Generations” with the year reflecting thoughts of remembering, rejoicing and rededication.

The churchwardens and volunteers are now handing out leaflets giving each of you details of the background to our celebrations and the principal events that will take place in 2014. Perhaps you may consider that we’re doing this a little early; perhaps you may consider that this will take money we don’t have; perhaps you may consider that “I hope they do something that I like”.

One of the strongest aspects of the longevity of Tullow is the ability and willingness of its parishioners to volunteer to help, to pull and work together in both good and bad times – all of which goes to grow and develop our worshipping community. We pray that this ‘togetherness’ will be the hallmark of our Anniversary year.

Congregational worship expresses our very heart and passion at the centre of our celebrations. In this Anniversary year, through the leaflet, our Parish Newsletter, our website and other communications, we thought it useful that we are and will offer resources that will help us all remember God’s faithfulness and grace, rejoice in our hope and rededicate ourselves for service as we celebrate the theme of this Anniversary year “Grace Through Generations”.

We hope that this theme will reflect the positive feelings of being attached in a variety of ways to Tullow Parish through family connections. Generations have worshipped and enjoyed their times with our Parish family, reflected in the love for our church buildings, our church family and above all, for the love shown to God in our regular services of worship.

In the church hall after this service, a noticeboard contains details of the principal events for the coming year and there is an opportunity to pre-order a picture of the church in jigsaw format.

We encourage each and every one of you to make plans to join in the celebrations by getting involved, bringing along former parishioners, old and new friends and visitors for our Anniversary year in 2014 and that we will look forward and move forward together with God’s grace to a bright future here in Tullow.

With every blessing,


Rev. John Tanner